Create a Photo Collage in Photoshop
Video Tutorial Series

Create a Collage – Introduction
Open Multiple Images as Layers into One Document
In this four part series, we will create a simple collage in Photoshop using a combination of essential Photoshop techniques.
Creating a collage is one of those things that Photoshop can do with effortless ease. The only real hard work is in deciding what images to use.
To keep things simple (and because I’m conceited) I use images I created for previous Pixovert tutorials in this series.
The introduction and first part of the series are below, the following three videos will come in the next few weeks. can be found through the navigator.
How to Open Multiple Images in Photoshop
There is a native way of opening up multiple images in Photoshop CS5, but not a very obvious one. Using a trick in Bridge it can be done with relative ease. This technique works with most images but does not accommodate anything that includes a smart object.
The next video looks at adding extra files to the document.