Python and Script Fu Layer Effects
Installing Python and Layer Effect Plugins in Gimp
Install Python and Script-fu Layer Effects in Windows XP
Layer Effects are among the most popular Gimp plugins and they come in two varieties – python and script-fu. Installing the layer effects plugin is simple enough for the script-fu version, but the python version may need some extra legwork – particularly when using Windows.
This video goes through the surprisingly complex process of installing the Gimp python extension which is necessary for python to work properly with Gimp and upon which so many effects and plugins depend.
This video tutorial was made using Gimp version 2.68 on Windows XP.
You’ll find useful links, below, after the video.
Useful Links
You can find the python installer at the python site.
The PyGTK site has links to the python site and more.
And here is a direct link to the Glade installer which is mentioned in this video.
More info and Updates
Windows Tutorial
This is a Windows Tutorial – you may not need these steps if you are using non Windows OSs.
Update – October 2011 Some of the latest UNSTABLE releases of Gimp for Windows do away with the need for these separate installs (Gimp 2.6.10 *experimental* version and Gimp 2.7.3)